Tuesday 17 January 2017

The Untold Story Part 2: First InDesign Mock up

InDesign Mock up's

Since christmas I feel like I have completely forgotten everything I have ever learnt on InDesign. Thankfully there was a workshop running so I had the opportunity to get some help and get a few things cleared up before the deadline, this was also the perfect opportunity to print out a mock up with a few of my sketches on - ideally i could see if they worked as page designs or not.

Considering Size

After taking into consideration what was said in the silent crit I'm most likely going to go with the A5 format. I decided to print off an A4 format as well just to see what it would look like in comparison to the A5. I found that the A4 format was very over powering, it kind of took away the energy of my drawings and it felt like there was too much to look at. With the A5 it felt nice to hold, the pages were full of energy and I felt as if I could follow the book through more. I also asked my peers on their opinion and fortunately I had the same response.

Overall thoughts and next steps.

  • Due to the fact I used my sketchbook drawings in my mock up ( although they do look good) I need to now move onto Photoshopping them and having a go at working digitally just to polish them off (or completely re edit them?)
  • I'm confident that the A5 format looks best, I also really like the way the mock up turned out - I'm quite relieved that I now know the basics of indesign - I was abolsutely dreading using it as I knew nothing about it!!
  • I was really worried about the resolution of the photos changing but today I learnt how to fix blurry photos which I'm really happy about.
  • My next step from here is to make the final book!! wooooo!

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