Friday 24 March 2017

Chair structure

Chairs or really funky shapes?

I wanted to stay focusing on basic shape, I don't think they really look like chairs anymore and I love that, do they necessarily have to look like chairs? I wanted to somehow convey Ray and Charles as people through my shapes and although the furniture is a big hint, I wanted to use this to convey their fun and playfulness which back in the late 40's thats what their designs where still are they were crazy and wacky and never done before and people loved them.

  • I started to dismember the furniture making them literally explode - I think this is how they must have felt when they were so successful? like an exploding feeling, exploding with happiness. 
  • I was trying to show the freeness in their work (legs from the chairs not belonging where they should be (freely placed)
  •  their work literally changed the way we look at design because it made such an impact, it was different, it was unique - this is the feeling I'm trying to get across.

I reallyyy like these images I have created I think the basic shapes work incredibly well and the puzzle like composition is quite effective. I intend to manipulate these images through Photoshop, add lots of colour, maybe play around with the shapes more, rearrange and change the scale of the chairs would be good development.


  • started to look even further into structures of the chairs this was useful in terms of using actual photos to collage with, I felt as if I was literally dismembering the chair.

  • I decided to experimet with line quality and brush strokes, I think these images really helps provide infomation on the basic shape of the chair throught the power of one or a few brush strokes.
  • I really feel as if experimenting with different mediums was beneficial, I think even though they are all constructed similarly, they all look SO different which I love.

Overall thoughts and next steps:
  • From here I really want to work digitally and add colour to my images.
  • Im surprisingly happy with the outcomes I feel as if it's a bit of a transformative moment.
  • before this I felt really stuck and didn't really know where I was going but I fee as if now ideas are literally flooding and I'm really angry because I dont have much time left on this brief (organisation skills need to improve)
  • I'm enjoying using collage and paper cut I feel that its a really effective way of working.

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