Monday 20 March 2017

End of Module Evaluation

I think overall I have found module 404 extremely challenging and stressful, but mostly I’ve found myself really getting to enjoy and get stuck into the tasks. I found that this module has been very important for me in terms of learning, I’ve come across so many completely new skills such as considering frame and depth etc, some of these aspects are very crucial elements of being an illustrator and I feel as if I have taken such a massive step in becoming one by exploring this. Not only have I seen changes in the way I draw and create images but I also see a massive change in the way I think about and see images. I think this module has been the most beneficial in terms of me developing as an illustrator and exploring my practice, and most importantly being more aware of the techniques covered in this module when making work.

The main aspect of this module in which I have enjoyed the most was line quality; I feel like I’ve learned so much about the subject - I now can’t even look at an image or draw something without considering the quality of the line work which is something I’m really happy about considering last year its something I wouldn’t have thought twice about. I’ve also found the texture and shape session really beneficial, during the session I absolutely hated it and I thought that it just wasn’t for me, however after realizing that it was one of my weaknesses I re-visited the task and incorporated the work into a current brief. I feel as if my taste has changed dramatically and I can now fully appreciate simplistic shapes and texture so much more than I would’ve done last year. I think this is important for all modules – if I’m struggling with something or not enjoying it then the best thing to do is notice this, notice that it’s not one of my strengths and work on it – practice will make perfect.

Other than being taught new methods and techniques I’m really appreciative of my tutors for introducing me to so many artists throughout the seminars, I feel like research has been a really crucial part of this module and it’s been really helpful to have constant inspiration in every session.

Overall I think this module has been important in getting me to really step out my comfort zone, I’ve really been able to get my head down and just get on with the methods and techniques that I might perhaps not like – but with no surprise it’s all been really beneficial to my practice and I have found now that I really enjoy learning new methods and techniques - which is good in preparation for my second year where hopefully this will continue. I think there’s still loads of room for improvement within this module, if I could revisit I would definitely spend more time and focus a little more on each task, I think I sometimes I forgot about 404 and put it at the end of the pile, so I guess it’s really important for me for next year to equally spread out my work load among all modules and put in 100% for everything.

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