Monday 20 March 2017

Class Crit

I felt a bit uncomfortable laying out my work for the class crit today purely due to the fact that I know I haven't produced enough work, Ive done some really basic drawings and collage/paintings of chairs but I dont really feel as if they could go anywhere? I'm really happy with the amount of research I have but not the amount of physical work.

I am happy about the fact I've walked away from today with so many ideas and a lot of feedback which I can work on which is why these crits are so crucial for us to attend.

It's also really nice to see other students work and be able to give some really beneficial feedback - It's also a nice thought knowing that you've possibly helped them onto another pathway or onto some really nice ideas that could perhaps give them a better outcomes? that why I think its absolutely crucial to give feedback - even if its not something necessarily nice, I'd rather someone say 'thats terrible' than say nothing at all.

from today I've got a lot of suggestions (which answered my questions) saying that i should do some digital work or even digital collages - Photoshop definitely is on my to do list!

we also did a bit of a review - this was in a small group - which I love, small groups are so much better I feel like you interact more and give better feedback. 

Overall views and next steps
  • Collage!
  • Digital Collsge?
  • Move onto Photoshop.
  • need to create a lot more analogue work before I can move onto digital methods.
  • feeling happy that Ive got some nice feedback and some really great ideas to work with - I hate crits but theyre so beneficial in the end!
  • I came into the crit feeling really down and horrible but I've left feeling so motivated.

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