Sunday 26 March 2017

So much work in such little time...

I hold my hands up in admitting that working at the casino massively got in the way with my uni work and it did for a while hold me back. I think I somehow managed to get back on track but now I dont want to stop this brief!! I just want to carry on working and making images that I'm proud of - its not often that I feel this way about my work and I feel as if Ive had a bit of a break through.!!

Ive absolutely pushed myself to my absolute limits this past week, not a second of my day has been wasted recently its been a case of get up do sketchbook work, get ready for work at the casino, 8 -10 hour shift (my day has then gone) get home at night, head straight into my sketchbook or lap top and carry on working til probably uni starts at half 9 ( yes this is a very bad routine to get into, but with hardly any time left I had no option - and of course it doesn't seem that bad when i'm enjoying making work.

What can I do next time to avoid these problems?
  • make sure my shifts dont clash with studio time and general working time (this has been sorted, bit too late though eh?)
  • make sure I get a good nights sleep so I can have a full day of doing work.
  • Make sure I look after myself! completely missing a whole nights sleep is ridiculous and shouldn't happen again.
  • Organisation skills need to improve, timetables, notes, audio recordings anything that will help me stay on track.

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