Tuesday 14 March 2017

Uni and Work clashing too much

Uni First, Work Second.
Having a job has put a masssive spanner in the works.

Unfortunately I've been in a bit of an awkward situation. With recently getting a job to help fund me being at uni and my rent, it's been taking over a lot of valuable time, time which should be spent on creating work. I'm really angry that for the time being I cant really do anything about it other than quit - and quitting means no uni :( so I feel really behind, upset stressed, drained and theres not much I can do about it other than really try and organize every second of my time - I think I'm going to make a plan to make sure I'm using time effectively because I am really enjoying this work at the moment and I am feeling really motivated but its just hard being stuck in the middle of the two. Something I am going to make sure of is to ask to make sure my shifts aren't in the way of uni, this can be resolved, its not too late, I believe I'm capable of making some really nice work!!!

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