Sunday 26 March 2017

Moving onto digital means

Analogue to Digital

I decided to take my most successful rough and develop it through Illustrator after all moving on to digital means was suggested on my critical feedback, it took a lot of time and patience as I was still coming to terms with using vectors and illustrator in general! but I'm pleased with the over all outcome I think it really conveys who and what Ray and Charles are really about - the explosive furniture, the bodies reenacting the furniture and although the figures dont have faces do they need faces? you can still recognise who it is.

What I like about this piece:
  • I think this piece of work is really sucsessful in terms of focusing on shape and colour - this is very important in relation to my persons of note who both focus immensely on shape and colour.
  • the basic shapes and block colours work incredibly well together, it gives it a simplistic tone of voice in which I tend to hate working with, however I've started to really appretiate basic shape forms!!
  • I just love the shapes of the chairs the two tone makes it more chair like but does it need the two tone colour? can it be simplified even more without it? will it look better? something to consider...
What can be improved?
  • I dont think the vectors are perfect, I think some lines are a little out, this will need adjusting.
  • although I think the colours are lovely could I be really playful with it? something I could experiment with later today.
  • maybe look at other artists for influence on colour.

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