Sunday 19 March 2017

Ray and Charles Eames: Further Research and The Powers of Ten

Finally decided on Ray and Charles!

Ive decided on Ray and Charles Eames for this project purely due to the fact that as I was researching them I actually felt as if I was learning and enjoying finding out about these two people. 

I found this clip really useful in term of a starting point - it was a quick straight to the point introduction on who and what Ray and Charles are all about. That was really helpful however I didn't quite get to understand what type of people they are - this is more understood throughout their art.

Powers of 10 (1977), is a film created by the Eames' which somehow helps me understand them a little more. Moving slightly away from the creative personalities within Ray and Charles, After watching this film I suddenly get a sense of contrast with the two, they seem to show a high interest in Science and Maths as they appear to investigate scale and the significance of adding zero to any number in their film. Charles and Ray visualise the importance of scale - which yes we see within their 3d creations such as furniture and their house, but within the film we see a completely different side to them - they're extremely intelligent and not only interested in painting or designing.  

Perhaps I could make some work based on the powers of ten? maybe focus on scales? After all the brief is based on working with different scales...

Ideas for creating work based on the powers of 10
  • Look at scaling up and down their chairs?
  • I will look at doing the same with body shapes much like the person in the film?
  • maybe Scale up an image so much and put it on perhaps the stamp layout so its pretty much not recognisable? so it looks really close up. 
  • I could do the opposite (like in the film) small object on a bigger layout so it looks far away and small.
Example of how I could use scale within my work - Scale up in a small space so that the information in the picture is barely recognisable.

I just really like this image from the film, the composition and frame have been well thought through , I also think its really important to see the starting point - it gives you a good perception of scale as the film goes on.
Another example of how I could use scale - the space surrounding the main focus of the image (the people) help give you a better perception of scale and how far away they are - I would like to try this within my work, scale up relevant object that help portray Ray and Charles or even something similar to what has been used in the film -people?

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