Saturday 25 March 2017

Task 1

What Illustrator do I think currently reflects my practice?

Im not sure if they currently reflect my practice but I've definitely taken a lot of influence from Keith Negle'y, particularly throughout this brief. Ive really been able to understand his use of shape and then been able to transfer this and incorporate this into my own work. The main aspect I can really appreciate in Negley's work is purely shape, I feel as if I've stated to pick up little elements and aspects Negle'y includes in his work e.g abnormal body features, overlapping of body features to turn lots of information into one..and this is all down to shape and carefully selecting it. 

I hope that Negley's work reflects my practice..I feel as if it currently does? because I really admire his work and would like to hopefully see more of a resemblance between our work which I think with m current love for shape it should be too much of a task...

Overall why do I think they reflect my practice?

Big focus on using shape and colour, wide range of materials and mediums used and a large focus on using figures and abnormal body parts.

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