Monday 6 March 2017


What is a Synecdoche?
 a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa.

I really enjoyed this little study task - the idea was to think of 10 synecdoche's, rough them and then create one on a big scale - the whole point of this was that we had to make an illustration without drawing the obvious which was really good prep for our brief persons of note.

It was actually really hard thinking of the list!! once I had a few loads of ideas began to spout.

As you can see in my roughs, the friends who were nicknamed "Toe thumbs" and "4-eyes" I have actually illustrated the name without illustrating the person themselves. Really clever task in preparing us for the brief!

my final Image was 'take a pound Paul' which illustrates a hand literally taking numerous pounds because Paul, a regular at the pub I worked in, used to say "take a pound" after every drink he had without a doubt and was surprisingly nicknamed "take a pound Paul"

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