Sunday 26 March 2017

Working with the right dimentions

More roughing - this time with the correct dimensions well the correct layout.

post card layout - portrait.
I really like the portrait layout it follows the body language of the figures and flows really nicely - Cant wait to work with this piece digitally and add colour and adjust the shapes I'm unhappy with such as the legs on Ray, What are those? are they backwards? 

post card layout - landscape

my intentions for this image was to create a really flowy feeling, I wanted ray and charles to really be involved in their own work (which they definitely were) so I created this really floaty feeling with ray and charled floating with all the different bits anf pieces of their furniture designs - I guess I was trying to represent their thought process.

A4 scale (fav one)

I tried to convey a similar feeling with the big scale image 

stamp scale.

It's important to note that when designing the stamps you cant include too much detail or it wont work - it a small scale and will be dififcult to see, the more simpler the better the outcome I think.

Its really nice to look at the starting point and ideas and compare them to the final roughs - I'm excited to transform them digitally and compare again!!! 

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