Saturday 25 March 2017

Roughs - considering final outcomes

Why am I working in square forms???

  • its close to the deadline - needed to start considering final outcomes and proper dimensions and layouts.
  • why am I working in square forms?
  • before I went to bed I thought I wanted to include the figures of ray and Charles more but with it not actually representing humans - I wanted them to represent the furniture and art they created.
  • The curvy arms and legs represent the curves in their furniture and more specifically the chairs they created.
  • At first I considered the fact that I was being repetetive, but then I laughed and thought without all of this testing a repetition of the roughs I wouldn't be able to move on and develop!! Ive realised now the importance of roughs and how it is such a crucial part of the process!

Its really nice to see how each time I've considered the shape and figures in the previous rough and then I've edited it to correct it to my liking - this is something I need to continue doing. I really like the long curvy arms in the bodies they fit well with the curves in the furniture thats what I was trying to represent anyway.

as soon as I realised I wasn't working in square forms I decided to have a quick go on illustrator so I could have at least one dimensionally correct piece. I referred back to my image from my book and created some simple vectors in relation to ray and Charles and their chairs. I think their quite successful - maybe i could play around with the colour scheme? 

first post card design

Overall thoughts and next steps
  • yeah I dont know whats with the square layouts? - they look really neat and tidy and i love it but its not helping in preparation for my final outcomes considering neither of the scales are square!!
  • I'm really pleased with these initial roughs, definitely need to scan them in and add some beautiful colour! 
  • It's nice to see them develop each time.
  • Obviously when scanned in they will need adjusting and perfecting, the roughs are roughs for a reason.
  • At the moment I'm thinking illustrator? I feel pretty comfortable using it now so theres no harm in having a mess about. I think it will work well among my basic shapes.
  • definitely need to carry on with these roughs but start to think about the right dimentions, this will make my life easier when working digitally after scanning them in
  • I'm feeling really eager and excited to move onto photoshop I'l finally get to see my images come alive with colour.

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