Tuesday 28 March 2017

End Of Module Evaluation

Overall I’m feeling extremely pleased with the majority of this module, I feel as 406 has been the module where I have stepped most out of my comfort zone, and by doing so I have started to identify reoccurring themes, styles and tones of voice throughout my work which is something I’ve always been slightly concerned about in terms of not having my own style or specific type of practice.

I think the majority of this module included some form of learning for me, whether that was learning how to create GIFS or learning how to use Illustrator, every brief has hit me with something I was unfamiliar with this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing I consider this as a really good aspect of this module because it meant I’m getting as much as I can out of my course and I’m learning new things on a constant basis.

Something I’m really pleased about within this module and what I think has completely made me alter my thoughts on illustration as a whole was the mono printing workshop. I feel as if this was the starting point in which has made me completely fall in love with shape – my attitude towards it has quite literally flipped. Looking back on what I thought about shape and colour right at the start of the year is the complete opposite of how I think about shape now and I find that absolutely amazing how in such a short period of time my attitude and thoughts towards illustration have changed dramatically.

I’ve walked away from 406 with not only a huge amount of new knowledge on different analogue methods and techniques such as mono printing, but I feel so much more comfortable in terms of working digitally. Illustrator is a software that around a month ago I was terrified of using, I was dreading the moment that we would be introduced to it and had to use it as a part of our brief – which we did, but I’m so glad that that time did come because it’s something I really enjoy using and I felt like it will play a huge and very important part in my life as an illustrator.

I think the most important thing I’ve come to realize throughout this module is the importance and power of roughs! Previously I haven’t been taking much time and effort to rough my ideas, however in 406, particularly in the third brief, I have finally come to realize that roughing is so important and so many ideas and paths can spout from creating them!

Something that I’m again not happy with is my time management. This is a re occurring theme that I’ve come to realize needs to improve. I now know that this is a weakness of mine and it will be my main priority to organize in my next body of work. Unfortunately, something I wasn’t in control of this module was my job which interfered especially throughout my last brief – fortunately I feel as if I was able to successfully pick myself up and redeem myself

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