Saturday 25 March 2017

Lino Printing

Ive discovered I'm not that great at Lino

I may not be great at lino, but that doesnt mean I dont like it. I had so much fun with trying out Lino at home and I feel like Ive learnt so much about it which is really helpful for next time. I do really like the outcomes even if they arent that great, i'm glad I've experimented with it because I think my designs work really well as a print, I think next time I will need to do more, and experiment with different colours.

Problems I encountered:
  • I feel as if the lino cutter tool I was using was too thick and my design was too intricate, meaning I needed to either simplify or get a thinner cutter.
  • my paint was reallllly thick and old so it just wasnt really sticking to the lino, I had to roll silly amounts on for it to work.
Where could I go from here?
  • maybe scan in and create some digital collages?
  • what other ways can I incorporate these designs in? mono printing? dry point?

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