Monday 27 March 2017

Final Crit

I loved the style of todays crit, I feel like in groups of three it was really easy to give some final bits of feedback in prep for submission, I feel as if I gave some really good feedback and advice and I just wish I could have got the same in return. It's a bit upsetting that you sometimes wont get the same amount of feedback in comparison to other students or in comparison to the feedback you gave out, which is a shame because I feel like I could have really benefitted from it! It's also really annoying that I put so much effort in the night before to ensure that all my work was ready for a crit and I got nothing back other than "purple and green?" written on a piece of paper which doesn't really suggest anything to me? quite angry really, especially because my partners got so much ore feedback than me. oh well, maybe next time?

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