Tuesday 21 March 2017

What are Ray and Charles most well known for?

Eames Chair

  • started looking at what charles and ray where most well known for which for me is the iconic Eames chair.
  • began to sketch basic structures of the furniture, looking at basic shape forms.
What can I do with these? 
  • yes the sketches are helpful as I am able to exoeriment with shape but where can I go from here? what can I do with them?
  • I think once scanned in I could play around with them digitally, add bright colours Ray would defo like that.
  • my main intentions for the time being is to just draw loads of different chairs and see what shapes can come out of it - its not enought yet to make a full body of work.
  • for now i think its a good starting point and I think it will lead me onto a good pathway.

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